When I moved last summer, I wrestled with the heartbreak of having to put some of my most treasured possessions in storage. My beautiful little chalet was big on coziness, but not so for wall space, and the country ambiance simply didn’t call for Audrey’s distinctly metropolitan pose, regardless how picturesque. She joined pleasant company in storage, including Fellini’s La Dolce Vita, a ‘50’s Vogue print, and an original John and Yoko Rolling Stone cover -- you know the one, where they’re embraced in a pose so perfect and powerful that it speaks love throughout the ages.
For years I’ve had a fascination with icons, so much so that without realizing it, I’d tear and clip every interesting face and pose I could find, wondering how and when a savior by the name of decoupage would come and preserve my pics for posterity.
One day I had the idea to put all of these amazing mugs into pendants. The result was a museum of phenomenal faces throughout history. From Marie Antoinette to Joan of Arc; Katherine Hepburn to (you guessed it) her cousin Audrey. Sue wears Barbra Streisand, Lisa wears Jackie O, and Phyllis – Louise Brooks. These ladies were not afraid to choose favorites, and say it loud and proud!
The little portraits are perfectly content to sit in their solid metal pendants, whether they’re around your neck, or simply a trusted talisman. Who wouldn’t want Jean Harlow as their guardian angel?
How beautiful!! And so true. I love many of these classic beauties too, but I also love some of the ancient women in history, like Cleopatra! What fun to read. =)