It’s safe to say that my hair has gone through many, many different incarnations over the last few decades. When I was very little it was as blonde as it could be, and my hair was short to accentuate my little curls.

There was a period in my mid-twenties when I experimented with dark auburn, which I loved, but it was too far from my natural color, and I found myself having to pitch a tent in the hair salon. It looked pretty rockin’ with my chin-length bob, though.

Still, we associate blonde as fun, kind, and, yes, at times – idiocy.
Early folklore forewarned that their yearning for precious golden locks, could cause malevolent fairies to steal light haired babies and children.
Let’s not forget about the girl with the most golden locks of all, and how her (blonde induced?) naïveté put her in some pretty precarious situations…
Maxfield Parrish’s “Sleep Beauty” is possibly one of the most gorgeous paintings of a fair-haired blonde ever created.

But, alas, as time took its toll, my hair grew darker and my hairdresser became richer.
Statistics say that women with naturally blonde hair are incredibly rare, and (as I think we’ve already established) it’s blondes like me who are keeping hairdressers in the red.
We can’t help it. Our subconscious identifies women with blonde hair are youthful and innocent. Contrary to popular belief, this perception wasn’t initiated with Disney and their string of yellow-haired heroines.
We can’t help it. Our subconscious identifies women with blonde hair are youthful and innocent. Contrary to popular belief, this perception wasn’t initiated with Disney and their string of yellow-haired heroines.

Because of this, Hitchcock was said to have consciously chosen to cast only blondes in his main roles, since they would be the least suspected of wrong-doings, but like thief on the run Janet Leigh in Psycho.

I love it when blonde is described as flaxen, and like to believe that Debussy was thinking of a girl like me when he wrote “The Girl with the Flaxen Hair”. (Click here to listen.)
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