Ever since I moved to Northeast Pennsylvania, I’ve been hearing about
Lentini Farms. I’ve made it my mission, for the past year, to find this magical, mystical site and ask the owners
Da dove la sono? I even went so far as to look them up on their website, and print out directions. Yet, somehow, I never seemed to be able to find Lentini Farms.

I admit, I’m not the best with directions, which is part of the problem. I’d asked someone how to get there about a year ago and she said, “Oh, it’s easy…just drive up BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, and you can’t miss it.” Needless to say…her directions fell on deaf ears.
But the other day, finally, I pulled over to a little red hut, finally open for business.

They were no longer selling simple perennials, they were now fully stocked with fantastic harvest.

I’d never stopped before because on the trail of farm stands they were last before reaching my home. The closest, yes, but also the smallest.
And lo and behold – Lentini Farms! Not the farm of course, but Heidi Lentini, (a Lentini wife) told me they hailed from Sicily (as most Lentinis tend to). And I have to say I’m sorry I’ve never taken advantage of their phenomenal produce before, because it is truly extraordinary.

In the fall they have a maise maze. – where they cut a path through their corn field and let you ramble in their bramble.

I sincerely can’t wait to get lost.
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